Racer 2020

Tim Colloseus, Jonas März
Technical design class 2020
Supervised by Prof. Tom Philipps
The task was to create a vehicle within a space of 20x20x20 cm that would be able to drive 2m, cross a river 20 cm wide and of limitless depth, continue to drive 2m and then return the same way. All of this should be achieved with as less materials as possible and the vehicle is supposed to only use rubber bands as engine. Also the whole parcours is only 1m wide.
Here we were maddling around with how to show the exploded view and then seddled with this neat little animation,
mainly because we liked the effect and not because of reasons of visibility or understanding.
On the left is the closed version, you could say the resting position of the main rendering accompanied by one of the exploded view versions that has an odd positioning because we already thought about how we would insert the explanation drawings.
The curious observer might have already realised that this vehicle in this form has no driving force, and he or she would be right in noticing that. The driving rubber band is wrapped around the whole construction and is therefore obstructing the view on the remaining technical aspects, which is why we decided not to add it here. Also due to our miscalculation of the needed forces we can only drive the parcours one way in its current state.
Upcoming we would like to show you a few pictures of our way towards this slightly overcomplicated vehicle we built.
(a name we considered)
Thank you for your time!

Tim Colloseus
Jonas März
Racer 2020

Racer 2020

A Vehicle to bravely tackle the task of conquering the parcours given to us this semester.
